
If you are considering a particular career path, learning what the general types of personality are that work in that particular field, or finding out about which individuals most excel in a particular field, are some things that will help you decide whether it is the right choice for you or not. Using online career testing, to help you determine what are the personality types that excel in specific field, and what career am I most likely to excel in and enjoy, is a simple way to at least begin thinking about what you want to do, and what you would be good at.
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John L. Holland, an American psychologist and a professor at John Hopkins University, firmly believes that the personalities of every person correspond to the types of careers or occupations they prefer. His remarkable idea had led him to develop a unique aptitude test to help people on how to choose a career. This aptitude test was called Holland Occupational Themes or simply Holland Codes (RIASEC).
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The Choice of a career is one of the most critical decisions in a person's life. There is no greater joy that doing what you love to do and getting paid for it. The best jobs are those which don't feel like work at all! If you choose the right career, then your job will never feel burdensome and exasperating. You will never suffer from Monday morning blues! In fact, Monday will become your favorite day of the week! Imagine waking up every morning and feeling excited about the day ahead...
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Every student goes through a phase where he is not certain about what to do next career wise. Confusion prevails in the mind as to which option should be opted and which path should be followed. When you are not sure about how to choose a profession or what do you exactly want to do with your career then the best option for you is to take a career test which can help in narrowing down the job choices for you. It will help you in choosing the path which is best for you. It helps in defining which careeris best suitable and compatible for you keeping in view your interests and capabilities.
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